Seattle Public Schools

Programs and Career Pathways

Education and Human Services Pathway

Video with example of Education and Human Services Pathway

Is this the right pathway for me?

  • 你是否喜欢与他人密切合作,并欣赏不同的观点? 
  • Are you passionate about social justice, empathetic, and a life-long learner? 
  • Are you a strong, honest communicator? 

What is Education and Human Services?

Education and Human Services is a pathway built for the future teachers, social workers, non-profit and other administrative leaders among Seattle Public School students. 这一课程的学生学习和练习技能,为他们高中毕业后在政府部门工作的培训和/或大学做好准备, education, and human services.  

What sort of work would I do?


Teachers, social workers, and principals educate students, providing guidance, 通过读写安全和结构基础知识以及未来所需的技术培训. 人力和社会服务工作者帮助客户与社区资源建立联系,并可能提供关键的心理健康支持. 这是一条多才多艺的道路,可以为他人提供各种各样的支持和资源.   

Leads to these Careers

  • Community Health Worker 
  • Teacher (Pre-K through 12th Grade) 
  • Child, Family, or School Social Worker 
  • Non-Profit Manager 
  • Rehabilitation Counselor 
  • School Counselor 
  • Teaching Assistant 
  • School Administrator 

In-Demand Occupations

Typical Education RequiredCareer TitleAverage Annual SalaryJob Outlook in WA State (2020-2030)
High School Childcare Worker $40,142 22% increase 
Associate’s Degree (or Certificate) Teaching Assistant $45,445 19% increase 
Bachelor’s Degree Interpreter and Translator $59,082 34% increase 
Doctoral Degree Psychiatrist $208,000 18% increase 
Check Career One Stop, Bureau of Labor Statistics for updated career trends

What Courses can I take now?


This course sequence ranges from beginning to advanced sign language. Students are introduces students to American Sign Language and the Deaf community. Students are introduced and gain mastery over the remarkable, complex and beautiful language used by Deaf people in North America and Canada. It is the third most widely used language in the United States. 学生学习表达性手语技巧和接受技巧,以满足聋人社区现实生活中遇到的交流需求. 将密切关注发展沟通技巧,重点是接受性理解和表达性手语技巧.

Course numbers: HCT4354 & HCT4355; HCT4356 & HCT4357; HCT4368 & HCT4369; HCT4370 & HCT4371 

本课程是为会说两种语言(其中一种必须是英语)并有兴趣帮助他人交流的学生准备的. Leadership projects, applied problems, and participation in a Student Interpreter program, help students practice their skills. 本课程向学生介绍各种有趣的职业,这些职业需要多种语言和文化的知识. They use the skills of a professional interpreter, learning about the ethics of translation and interpreting, (what to do, what not to do, and what they are allowed to do). 当学生向其他小组和班级做出色的口头报告时,他们会获得沉着和自信的技巧. Students increase their vocabulary and achieve better reading, writing, and thinking skills in both of their languages.

Course numbers: HCT4034, HCT4035

Description: Family Health is designed to prepare students for lifelong problem solving, critical thinking, and management skills related to health and wellness issues impacting families. 主要目标是通过关注健康的选择和富有成效的生活,使学生能够为自己和他人发展健康的生活方式, satisfying life.  

Course numbers: HCT7004, CHE7004 

Certifications: First Aid/AED, Stop the Bleed 

This course prepares students for responsibilities, life skills, and independence including topic related to finances, foods, wellness, relationships, housing, transportation, and career planning.  

Course numbers: HCT2429 

儿童发展课程旨在帮助学生培养与儿童一起工作和生活的适当技能和态度. Areas of study include intellectual, social, emotional, and biological development of children; parent-child relationships; parenting practices; special needs of children; parental and environmental influences on child development; and external support systems. 

Course numbers: HCT2430  

Certifications: Students may qualify for STARS certification, available through North Seattle College 

青少年育儿是一个项目的一部分,旨在支持9 -12年级的怀孕和育儿学生. The program focuses on work and family foundations, parenting, child development, health and wellness, economic independence, career guidance, and support leading to high school graduation. 该计划需要地区的支持,包括一名经过认证的家庭消费者科学讲师, child care , student learning activities, health and wellness screening for infants and toddlers, counselor support, and home and community outreach. 

Course number: HCT7037

本课程向学生介绍人类行为和心理过程的系统和科学研究. While considering the psychologists and studies that have shaped the field, students explore and apply psychological theories, key concepts, and phenomena associated with such topics as the biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning and cognition, motivation and emotion.   

Course numbers: HCT2513, HCT2514 

Career, Community, and Family Connections is a .CTE课程旨在让9-12年级的学生为家庭中的多重生活角色和责任做好准备, work, and community settings. The course involves students from various cultural, 种族和宗教观点,并提供领导和公民参与的机会. The course draws from many fields including: human relationships, civics, government, psychology, and sociology. Topics include studies of diverse individual, family and community values and goals and cultural and ethnic studies. Students may be eligible for college credit. The course may integrate well with an identified Academy. 

Course numbers: HCT4050

This course studies the principles of lifespan development from birth to death. This course draws from multiple fields of study including psychology, sociology, human relations, human development, and family studies. Included in the class are opportunities to explore careers.  

Course numbers: HCT5484 

This course brings together the study of three major perspectives, one optional area and Statistics, including: The Biological Perspective, The Cognitive Perspective, and the Learning Perspective, in addition to the Psychology of Dysfunctional Behavior, Introduction to Research methodology and Statistics. 该课程的目的是为学生提供有助于获得IB文凭的学习经验.   

During the second year of this course, students will conduct psychological research; interpret diverse methods to support the study, including interviews, observations, and case studies; examine the systematic and critical study of human experience and behavior; collect, describe, and analyze data, 以及方法论,并培养心理学研究如何应用于造福人类的意识.

Course numbers: HCT8065, HCT8066, HCT2515, HCT2516 

本课程通过对社会心理学的研究,着重于健康选择和富有成效的满意生活之间的相互关系, cultural psychology, and Health Psychology.  Communication skills, decision making skills and refusal skills are applied across all units of study 

Course numbers: HCT7006 

描述:学生通过各种心理学思想流派的方法来研究人类行为. Topics of investigations include such areas as sensation, perception, states of consciousness, memory, thinking and intelligence, personality theory, learning, meta-cognition, brain theory, mental disorders, and social psychology.  

Course numbers: HCT2514, HCT2515

Teaching Academy is a specialized, 预备课程旨在为学生进入令人兴奋的教育领域做准备. 本课程是为有兴趣教授不同人群的小学儿童和青少年的学生开设的, secondary, or post-secondary classrooms, or in educational administration, or in professional or classified support, this may be the career experience to determine aptitude and interest. 这门专业的职业课程将为学生提供宝贵的培训和实践经验,以进入不断扩大的教育职业领域. This course provides classroom experience and observation of basic teaching techniques. 

Course numbers: WCT5987, WCT5988, WCT5989, WCT5999

Clubs and Activities at SPS

Interested in learning more about education and human services? SPS学生有机会通过家庭与同龄人一起加深和扩展他们的知识, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). FCCLA hosts competitive events, provides leadership opportunities, and helps students prepare for career and college. Find a chapter at your school here

What training do I need after high school?

For jobs with family wages (in other words, jobs that pay well enough for a person to support a family), it is preferable to enroll in two-to-four-year training programs. Examples of plans for training or college can be found below:  

High School Diploma or Associate’s Degree – 有兴趣毕业后在学校工作而不继续学习的学生可以攻读 Paraeducator Certificate and related coursework to become a paraprofessional. 有兴趣在高中期间获得该证书培训的学生应该考虑参加 Seattle Skills Center’s Teaching Academy.  

那些想要在从事教育或人类服务事业之前进一步探索的学生也可以考虑搜索 AmeriCorps and/or City Year . 这些机会目前只提供给美国公民或永久居民(绿卡持有者)的学生。. 

Bachelor’s Degree (Transfer) (Academy for Rising Educators)Seattle Public Schools works with Seattle Central College, 西雅图市教育和早期教育部门,以增加教师的多样性. 新兴教育工作者学院(ARE)培训在教学中未被充分代表的学生加入正规的棋牌平台排行榜担任教师. 在申请合格的助学金和奖学金后,正规的棋牌平台排行榜全额支付学费.  

University of Washington College of Education华盛顿大学提供一系列教育和人类服务课程,包括 Bachelor’s Degrees in Education, Social Welfare, and Psychology as well as a variety of Social Work Master’s Degrees.  

Explore more college and training opportunities on Naviance! 

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